Gift Certificate - Intro to Woodturning

Gift Certificate - Intro to Woodturning

from $40.00

This gift card is for the Intro to turning class. You may use this gift card toward your $40 deposit when signing up for the class. The remainder will be deducted at the first class. You must purchase a class to be registered.

Purchasing this digital gift card creates a unique code. The gift card recipient can enter this code at checkout to subtract the gift card value from their order total.

This gift card never expires.


In the intro class, I will cover proper safety, the parts of a lathe, proper tool usage, tool sharpening, spindle turning and bowl turning. The classes are typically one night a week for 3 hours, running 6 consecutive weeks. Going in, it is important to realize that wood is imperfect and no 2 pieces are the same. Projects may crack or break. It happens, it’s the nature of the beast and something that all woodturners have to get used to. However, I have make up time built into my schedule to ensure that everyone completes a bowl.

In class we will make, at a minimum, a mallet, and a couple of bowls out of fresh green wood. Depending on each student’s progress, we may have time to work on more projects. Some students have completed as many as 4 bowls.